4G LTE Band 11 (1500MHz)—Operators and UEs

LTE Band 11:   This “1500 MHz” band is identified by 3GPP as a Japanese band, but it is allocated globally to the mobile service on a “co-primary basis”. FDD LTE Band 11 is paired to allow simultaneous transmission on two frequencies. The Uplink frequency is 1427.9 – 1452.9MHz and downlink frequency is 1475.9 – 1500.9MHz. The Width of the band is 20MHz, Duplexing spacing is 48MHz and band gap is 28MHz.


Band 11 Operators:

  1. Japan, KDDI, Launched at September, 2012
  2. USA, LightSquared, planned

Smartphones for Band 11:

  1. Sony CDMA SOL21, 2012.10

4G Mobile routers for band 11:

 1. Modacom URoad-LTE ..2013.02..

4G LTE CPE Router for band 11:

  1. Innofidei CS2060 LTE Outdoor CPE

4G LTE Module for band 11:

  1. HUAWEI ME906J 4G LTE Module
  2. HUAWEI ME909J 4G LTE Module
  3. HUAWEI ME909Tu-720 4G LTE Module