4G LTE Router

An LTE Router is technically a wireless modem, so a small transmitting and receiving station, which is designed for the LTE wireless data technology.

Unlike the USB Stick, which can only have one device connected to the high speed data radio network, the router uses several computers simultaneously. LTE Router is in two versions, most of them use it as a stationary device, which allows you to build a home or office WiFi network, there are also mobile devices that provides the same services when travelling.

In some places over the world, the LTE network is first built in areas where there is no high speed internet at speeds exceeding one megabit per second. LTE is thus used only once as a steady replacement for fast internet access and in the second step as fast mobile technology. Therefore LTE router was firstly users as LTE modems as typical stationary applications.

LTE Router Telekom – Germany Forward World

It is therefore not too surprising that Telekom was able to present their LTE Router to public as the world’s first mobile operator. At theoretical maximum speeds creates the telecom router 50 megabits per second, when download data at 10mbps when sending (uploading). The PC or laptop to wireless via WLAN (standard 802.11b/g) or wired (standard: IEEE 802.3/802.3u) can be connected. The router is sold by Telecom under the name Speedport LTE, there are for the LTE Speedport B390 from the Chinese manufacturer HUAWEI.

At the Munich mobile operator Telefonica(O2), however, is a unit of Germany production in the sample phase, a Fritz Box by AVM Berlin. The LTE modem with a theoretical top speed of 100megabits per second and receive data at up to 50Mbit/s transmit data. LTE fritz box transmits in two frequency bands: 800Mhz and 2600MHz band. So the frequencies are provided in Germany to LTE.


Routers work their way up

Except for the special case of Germany, LTE is built around the world from the beginning as a fast mobile Internet access. Therefore, mobile radio modems as the stick in the other countries are the first choice. Routers, which are mostly used in a stationary come, much later on the market.


What should be considered when buying LTE ROUTERS?

A router is used for multiple computers at the same time to be given an access to the internet. Regarding the wireless data rate, the more subscribers logged, i.e. a transmission tower and the more participants at a base station, the slower the data transmission. These fluctuating velocity, which never reached the heights that are announced in the mobile advertising, the user of a router must then share with each other again. The more devices via the router is active, the slower the speed of each computer.

Those who want to obtain high speeds with LTE will take a USB Stick per unit, and then of course, a monthly fee occurs per device. Who wants to pay for the whole family or shared only a monthly subscription, can take a router, then of course move slowly, if at the same time invite the children on their computer music from the net.

A second criterion for the selection of the router is the question of whether it will be used stationary or mobile. If it is used stationary, it is enough perhaps, if he is only capable of wireless data LTE technology. But when on the move, it should absolutely dominate the other popular wireless technologies in Germany, data from the GSM network and UMTS network, IE GPRS, EDGE and HSPA on board.

If the LTE connection be reasonably equivalent DSL replacement, your router can be used as a telephone at the same time.


It would be useful for a router also with an external antenna connector, which can be used in peripheral locations of masts improve the weak radio signal. This then ensures a faster transfer. Such antennas are in the consumer Internet, sometimes in the shop of the LTE party.


LTE Netbooks Guides

An LTE netbook is a small, portable computer with a built-in wireless modem that can send and receive with the LTE technology.

Networks usually have a screen with a screen size less than twelve inches, and the keyboard is much smaller. They are designed as a device with which it mainly goes mobile to the Internet. For other functions, such as writing or creating graphics are much less suitable.

Currently there are three LTE netbooks, which have already been presented to the public. All three are not on the market. The first netbook has been released for the LTE network of U.S. LTE operator Verizon Wireless.


The LTE Modems

The built-in LTE Modem into the netbook is a small wireless transmitter that is located inside the computer, and not visible from the outside. While sticks, routers an modems are connected in card form from the outside through a slot to the device, they are hidden under the hood here. The advantage of slots, such as the USB ports free for the other functions such as USB memory sticks.

These LTE modems to be installed in portable computers offer the chipmaker to already. They will be installed by netbook manufacturers buy only in more devices, if a sufficiently large market for such LTE netbooks has formed. First choice as a modem first LTE surf sticks will be, with which existing mobile computers for the new wireless data technology to be retrofitted.


Three Netbooks in the race


There are currently three LTE netbooks, which were presented to the publice. All three have been upgraded on the basis of existing models with an LTE radio modem. It is already clear that this will be the path of development, based on the most mobile LTE computer company, a successful model is upgraded with the new technology and is possibly still in the area for camera or hard disk.

South Korea’s Samsung showed the first LTE netbook at the beginning of 2010, the Samsung N150 LTE. It has been long on the market and according to experts, it’s a netbook with many others features such as LTE-enabled version with built-in wireless modem.

The first LTE netbook you will probably be able to buy is in the USA, since the Apple New iPad released, many PC manufacturers follow the trend, but there are many factors under worry. First, the 4G LTE band compatibility is big problem, because in different areas, the deployed 4G LTE spectrums are completely different, so there will be many brand models for even a single netbook. If one manufacturer want to produce on model to compatible with all the 4g LTE networks, it’s obvious unpractical. With higher price, the customer may not give a shit. Second, the power supply is a big headache in 3G netbook. The operation system Android and IOS both consumes power in large volumes; the battery with the device is not enough. When running on 4G, netbooks need more power, then it’s also a problem for manufacturers.

But with mobile power bank, the netbook could find a acceptable solution for power. HUAWEI E5756 is a device with power bank and WiFi router functions 2 in 1. It’s a good solution during this time, but it support HSPA+ 42Mbps download speed ,which seems for 3G Advanced network, not 4G.


How Can We Benefit from 4G LTE Network?

Firstly, LTE provides average download (30 Megabits) and peak (100 Megabits) speeds, which are much higher than the current ones. Also, a substantial increase in the speed of ascent (50 Megabits), so important especially for customers of the business segments, and for all information related to the use of cloud computing.

And let us not forget that it also means lower latencies (35 m/sec) network, which is essential for new services (network games, enterprise applications…)

Frequency bands
It is important to know about which bands will be operated. The first, 2600 Mhz is intended for coverage in areas of high population density, it has less penetration indoors, but acquired bandwidth will provide maximum speeds (surpassing the 100 Mbps of download).

The second acquired band is located on 800 Mhz, frequency that will allow much better penetration indoors and cover larger surfaces, so it will probably go to coverage in rural areas. The size of the band acquired will allow a maximum speed offered by less than 50 Mbps service. The availability to radiate this band probably has to wait until 2015.

The first LTE device on the market
To access services over LTE, operator had selected the modem Huawei E589 (also named HUAWEI E589u-12), which is also compatible with the current network 3G.


New services and applications of 4G LTE

1. The explosion of ‘the cloud’
Cloud storage: for work or make back-ups at the same speed as if it were on your local disk. Documents, videos, music… shared or for personal use, with the information always accessible from anywhere and type of connection.

Applications in the cloud: high speed and low latency of the LTE connections make reality the concept of working in the cloud, allowing working with applications resident in the ‘cloud’ as if they were on your own computer.
2. HD videoconferencing
Real-time chat via video conference with the highest quality, without delays and latencies. It is necessary to have the appropriate devices: HD cameras and the application, , to start enjoying it on the LTE connection.
In addition to the enormous contribution of this type of services for private clients by putting them in a communication and closeness with family and friends, these services are important facilitators for professional offering speed and economy on the needs of coordination at a distance, by incorporating a quality and naturalness that almost replaces the “face-to-face” meetings.
3 eHealth
Services as “Side by Side” Telephone based on the LTE network, allow the patient to stay in quiet surroundings and without offsets, while kept in communication and being cared for by specialists.


The LTE connection allowed, in real time, numerous diagnostic or control tests made in his house and instantly send information about their State of health at the Medical Center for its monitoring: high quality images in real time, result control of sugar or stress tests, talk to a doctor with video conferencing high definition, etc.

4 e-Gamming
It is no longer needed at home game or the game console. The high speed offered by LTE along with low latency makes this technology very attractive to enjoy the online games. It binds to the new dynamics of game servers in network, free to customers of the need to have video consoles and games, entering mode subscription to these services in the cloud.

5. Services in high definition TV and 3D Videos

In the LTE environment, TV and video services reaches its greatest exponent. The powerful low latencies and bandwidth allow video club services, video streaming and high-definition and 3D TV broadcasting develop their potential to the maximum.

6 Immersive Communications
This category refers to completely virtual Telephone services. Solutions that facilitating labor mobility, management of meetings among multi-country teams, with a realism that contributes to the good results and good relations between persons of the team. This solution, completely virtual, allows you to delegate the management of the application in order to work with it from any computer in the network: laptop, tablet, from any place where a high performance network, such as the LTE network is available.



We hope that all these details serve for you to hereafter, when the term 4G or LTE will begin to be extensively mentioned, have a much clearer vision of this new step in mobile communications.


4G LTE Modules

Laptops cam also go without a USB Surf stick or wireless modem online and even with the new data standard Long Term Evolution(LTE).


Thanks to the integrated modules that are built into the notebook, this is possible. For LTE, there are only a few such PC cards. Novatel wireless and Sierra Wireless have some modules in the portfolio, provide both LTE and HSPA. Thus, laptops can use this internal modem to connect to the Internet even when no LTE network is available.


Novatle Modules


With built LTE module, a notebook without connecting external hardware to bring high speed wireless Internet. The number of such internal modem is very manageable. Two main manufacturers have several models on offer: Novatel Wireless and Sierra Wireless.


Novatel Wireless has three modules on offer, which are not suitable for the European LTE market as it sparks in the 700MHz band. The modules Expedite E351 and E362 can also send in addition to LTE and CDMA networks receive. The E362 and E371 also still in UMTS networks. The chipsets installed in the modules from Novatel is from Qualcomm.


The offer from Sierra Wireless


The manufacturer Sierra Wireless also uses chipsets from Qualcomm, to make the house, internal modules for LTE fit. Sierra Offers like Novatel Three internal modems. The Air Prime MC7700 and MC7750 can both receive LTE signals at a frequency of 700Mhz. If no LTE is available, they will switch to CDMA and GSM standards.


The MC7710 is designed for the European market, because instead of receiving the uncustomary 700MHz in Europe, the MC7710 in the LTE frequency bands at 800, 900, 1800, 2100 and 2600Mhz. The Sierra Wireless Modules are as specified by the manufacturer up to 100 megabits per second downstream and can make up to 50 megabits per second upload.


Advisor: LTE Laptop Datacards

An LTE Laptop card is a radio modem, which is a small transmitter and receiver station which dominates the radio data technology of LTE. It is connected via a card slot on a laptop.


Wireless modem cards are more and more of a niche product, but most users prefer the much more portable USB flash drive. However, these sticks are in LTE design advised comparatively clunky, since you do need space to the necessary for LTE dual-antenna accommodate. It remains to be seen whether this will lead to a return of the wireless data cards.


This is theoretical consideration for the time being, as at present, Fujitsu is the world’s only LTE-compatible card on the market. It’s offered by Japanese mobile operator DoCoMo on its network: The F-06C from the Japanese manufacturer Fujitsu.


The radio modem in map form in LTE networks can receive a maximum of 75 megabits per second data (downlink) and 25 Mbps receive(uplink). In the UMTS network of the third generation, it offers a theoretical maximum 7.2Mbit/s when downloading the data transmission technology HSDPA and 5.7Mbit/s upload speeds with HSUPA.


What you should consider when buying


A data card is, given the very large size of the LTE Surf sticks, possibly a real alternative. This is especially true if the USB ports of your laptop or notebook computers are so close together that by LTE surf stick possibly two slots are blocked. In such cased, a wireless modem in card fromat can be a useful variant.


LTE: The chipmaker to upgrade

LTE is made by the world and the chipmaker to upgrade: the new high-speed mobile networks get new chips. That is smaller, faster and use less power.


Consumers drive the development of the mobile. The move will also use high speed internet. With LTE and LTE advanced will continue its development by radio reaches speeds that were previously only available via cable. These fast connections are not shared with big clunky PCs connected screens that hang permanently to the mains, but for devices that fit in our pockets and get the necessary power from a battery. A technical challenge for chip manufactures.


The Chips can expect faster


Modern smartphones have more applications: positioning and navigation, multimedia, play music, show videos and photos to build with various technologies such as WLAN, Bluetooth, HSPA+ and LTE data radio links and run individual programs such as games or emailing. There are also functions that run in the background as the control of energy consumption or the managing disk space, and new requirements such as faster data connections and a growing space.


The small calculators must therefore expect more and more. The computing power is given by technicians usually with Hertz. In 2002, chip was with an output of 27 megahertz, which could carry 23 million elementary arithmetic operations per second as super fast, so Thomas Nindl by U.S. chipmaker Qualcomm writes in an article for the portal. The technical term for this is 23 million instructions per second. Chips that are processed in smartphones today have been a performance of 1 GHz and can carry up to 2 billion elementary operations per second, or 2000 mbps. So you have a nearly ten times as strong computing performance.


A key technology for increasing the processing speed is the use of several small calculation machines, which are combines in one kit, and the count in parallel and independently. Technicians are talking about multi-core processors. These processors can perform several functions simultaneously, it’s not an application that is processed at a time, but several are processed simultaneously. This saves the user unnecessary wating time.


For PCs today are dual-core processors, with smartphones, they are compatible with the new fast LTE networks.


The Chips are getting smaller


At the same time, the components that make up these miniature calculators are assembled became smaller, only then, it’s possible to focus an increasing computational power on a smaller and smaller area.


The chips that pack more computing power in an area has a further advantage: reduces the power consumption.



LTE Antennas—You will always need double

Those who wants to surf with LTE really fast, which can improve the reception of the radio signal by additional antenna.


But beware: while the UMTS radio technology usually received via an antenna, LTE always uses the multi-antenna technology. It’s on two antennas to send and receive data. So you have to always connect two antennas to be receiver. Suitable antennas are double it commercially as a total package; they sometimes look like a tool. If in doubt, ask if there is a dual antenna.


Before you buy the antenna that your receiver is ready for connection to a pair of antennas. Receivers are modems such as routers, surf stick modems in card form or radio modems that are built already in tablet, notebook or netbook. If you do not know it yourself, ask the dealer or the seller, whether your device has such a connection for a dual antenna.



Types of Antennas and antenna purchase


There are two types of antenna for LTE: The Omni-directional antennas can be placed up and receive the signal from any direction. However, there are also good and bad places for the erection of the antenna.


The directional antennas generally provide a much better result; they have to be aligned with the respective LTE mast. You should know, however, where are the nearest towers. This information provides the agency on a separate card. Simply enter the city, and then you will be presented in a easy map to set of transmission towers around your home or office.


The seller of LTE antennas often offer a complete package in which is already containing everything they need. The antenna pair, the associated connection cables, often even a holder for parallel installation of two antennas. Suitable antenna packages are also on LTE mobile operators sometimes offers, in addition to the receiving equipment such as a modem or router.


Our tips for easy installation


During the assembly, proceed as follows: first, find the right location, either inside the home or outside. You connect the antenna to your computer, and check the signal strength at various locations. You can see the signal strength on the modem. Some vendors offer LTE signal strength measurements via Internet. If you want to do the test, you have to measure computer and a speedometer, the transmission speed at different locations.


Where the reception is strongest, you should place the antenna. When you place the antenna inside your own house, then close to or directly on the window, from which you get the best reception. In this case, make sure the antenna distance from the modem or other electronic devices, such as television, radio, PC, electric fields interfere with the signal.


The second way to set up the antenna outside of the home, is therefore at the top of the attice, on the roof or on an outside wall. Whichever course choose, you should keep at least one meter away from poles, pipes or railings. Under no circumstances should you screw the antenna on a metal plate or wall. If you need to put the antenna on a mast, then you must sit above the top of the mast, where possible, over the roof edge. The principle is around the antenna, there will be no metal—metal shields radio signals.


When you buy yourself a pair of directional antennas, in addition to make two points: First, then antennas are mounted at the same height, and secondly, they are aligned parallel to each standing, to the nearest mast. It’s best to consult it in stores.

LTE Devices

Modems, routers, surf sticks, smartphones, tablet PCs, and if necessary antennas, are these LTE devices already exist in the trade market.


The Offerings of LTE Operators


In Germany, Vodafone Currently has the largest selection of hardware, there are modem stick, router and antenna. Telecom and Telefonica have followed and also offer routers and sticks. Like most LTE operators abroad, the Germany mobile phone companies, such as German Telekom, Telefonica(O2) and Vodafone, also offer LTE data transmission technology for internet. Currently, Vodafone is the only vendor that has LTE and for Smartphone used in the program.


LTE devices: Looking beyond the borders


In Japan, USA and Scandinavia, LTE is established as a technology for the mobile Internet, especially in the urban areas and markets. Therefore, there is much offer for broader. There are a number of different LTE Surf sticks, to get many radio modems in map form, which you can plug into your laptop and 4G Smartphones. New Tablets with integrated LTE modem apply in the U.S. as the great future business. These are notebooks and notebooks come with built-in LTE Modems.


For almost all of these devices: LTE wireless technology dominates the next generation network, they can be used across the country, even in places where there is not yet LTE Radio network available.

Video Telephone over LTE

High data rates, low latency (delay): LTE is technically well suited for video calls.

For video telephone, when receiving a certain data transmission, it also need sending data out to the other side. The slight delay in LTE network also facilitate video calling but the new communication to take place in real time.

LTE: In theory, well suited

The connection should also be subject to no greater variations because this can lead to problems in understanding and distorted images. The data rates of 100Mbps downstream and 50 Mbps upload in LTE offer many possibilities. While the theoretical maximum values, however, is likely to come with LTE usually have the necessary 200Kbit/s.

Short response times (latency) are also necessary for video calling, not too long to wait for the response of the other person, who then may intersect with what you’re sending.

There are obstacles

Currently, video telephone over LTE has certain difficulties. The voice transmission is carried over the internet, which is called Voice over IP (VoIP). At steady-LTE tariff Vodafone VoIP is not allowed; thus here is video calling possible.


What a hindrance is the sales data added. The LTE tariffs have a monthly data limit. This is achieved, the speed is reduced, usually to 384Kbit/s, so video calling is possible, but the connection is faster, then the limit is available for other applications, only partially available. Per hour, video calling 100-200 megabytes incur data traffic. In the current LTE tariffs for people who like to chat and much, relatively soon is closing, especially if they have other multimedia applications run on the LTE line.


Telephoning With LTE—VoLTE or Volga

There are surf sticks, router or data cards for computers, but Smartphone owners will not only surf but also calling and texting. There are different technical ways to offer besides faster data transfer and telephony. Which path to choose LTE network operator, is meanwhile not clear, there are some uncertainties. It’s also unclear whether the new LTE Smartphone currently really offer what you would expect from such a device into a super fast network. The usual headache of first users is that they usually report functions that the networks are running slowly or with batteries that are empty after a few hours of use.


One thing is clear that the upgrading of the networks on additional functions such as the one hand calls for the network operator is not free; it will cost a lot of money. On the other hand, the users want surf and even better with new expensive LTE Smartphone, the expensive rates at least as good as the old UMTS model.


The Rustic Method: Back to GSM and UMTS


The simplest theoretical method to offer telephone is reliance on older networks. When the LTE Smartphone to surf the LTE network, a call comes, it comes out of the LTE network and into the GSM or UMTS network calls. In other words, you can surf the LTE network or the GSM/UMTS network calls. It would be theoretically possible. However, the simultaneous operation of two transceivers will bring some problems to a mobile device, such as lousy battery life. The second disadvantage of having recourse to old networks apart from the interruption of the data link: it takes significantly longer for a voice connection is established.

For the rustic solution, that recourse to an old wireless network and call interruptions limited data usage via LTE, has been the American mobile operator Metro PCS decided. Metro PCS offered worldwide in the first LTE Smartphone in its new LTE network, and how many customers you could win it, concealing the company. But apparently saw Metro action, it now wants to upgrade the telephony technology to VoLTE shortly.

The Majority Solution: Voice over LTE, VoLTE

Voice over LTE ( VoLTE ) describes a new technology for the transfer of mobile phone calls in LTE network. The change from GSM and UMTS phone technology to VoLTE is – in simple terms, the shift from analog or ISDN lines to IP telephony comparable.


With the old telephony technology, a separate line for conversation is provided, the data on a different transmission run secreted. With the new networks, everything runs on Internet technologies and the talks are treated as data packets that are transmitted along with other data packets. Therefore one must of course int eh LTE core network set up an additional new location, this is called the IP Multimedia Subsystem. With the system, calls are treated like simple Internet files.


This solution is called VoLTE, it is currently being sought by many network operators worldwide, the U.S. now wants to implement next to Metro PCS LTE is also the largest provider Verizon Wireless. It is the technical solution that will end all use LTE operators, unless they agree. But it is costly – the mobile network operators have to adapt their IT infrastructure to the new system.


The Outsider: Volga

Therefore we have devised a further intermediate step that once does not cost as much and also gives good results in terms of the speed of a connection setup or the voice quality. The technology is called Volga, which is the abbreviation for anything cumbersome expression Voice over LTE via Generic Access.


Using this technology, an additional point will be created through which the calls go, but this time not inside, it’s outside the LTE network. This new board is the VANC, which stands for Volga Access Network Controller. About him, so to speak, the phone calls are funneled into the LTE core network, without having to change anything in the core network itself or adapt.  That is, they say, Volga, is faster and more cost-effective than the introduction of VoLTE.